Arctic VR Pavlov Server Admin Menu

There are two Admin Menus for PCVR Pavlov. RCON and In-Game. Arctic VR servers support both admin options.


RCON (Remote CONnection) is the method pavlov servers can be controlled from outside of VR. When a server is brought online, an email is sent to the owner with the RCON credentials to connect remotely.

RCON can be accessed at:

In-Game Menu

The in-game admin menu can be accessed by:

1) Get the steam64 ID for all users you would like to add as admin. This website can be quite helpful: For example the steam 64ID for messiahpenguin is “76561198082867112”.

2) Log into RCON. See the above information.

3) Run the “addmod” command followed by the steam ID of the user. If you get an error when running the command it is likely that you already have that ID as admin on the server. The commmand will fail if you try to add the same ID twice.

4) Join the pavlov server and enter the pause menu. You should see a new button at the top that says “ADMIN MENU” in game.

Legacy admin menu

Pavlov Legacy is a frozen in time version of pavlov for PCVR that was the last update before switching to the modio platform. This version of pavlov can be used by players that want to play a steam workshop map that didn't make the switch to modio. To access this mode on your client go to steam->library->pavlov->right click->properties->betas->legacy.

If you would like your PCVR Arctic VR server switched to the legacy branch of pavlov you can do so at the time of purchase or email

Who can use the menu

The old ArcticVR server admin menu is restricted to use only on Legacy Pavlov servers hosted by ArcticVR and can only be opened by people who both:

  1. Are admins on the server

  2. Are subscribed to the ArcticVR Server Admin Workshop Item:

How to access in game


Open menu: Scoreboard button + Grip

Close menu: Scoreboard button + Release Grip


You will have to change your SteamVR binding to something like this: picture. Once the binding is updated you can access the menu by holding scoreboard and double tapping grip.